Thursday, December 31, 2015

Smell Ya Later 2015!

Hello fellow earthlings!

We hope the holiday season has found you well.  As we finish out the year we'd like to thank all those who've supported or taken interest in what we do here.  Thanks to all those who've rocked out with us and those that rocked our faces off.  For the final post of there year here's a few tidbits of info worth mentioning.

If you somehow avoided the fanfare this past month take a gander at NR-052, the 7th installment of our annual Holiday Compilation.  It features a lot of great new music from friends both new and old.

NR-053, our last release of 2015, came in just under the wire.  The much anticipated, second full length from Hides A Well is now available for digi-download.  Check it out and let us know what you think.

That's more or less all the news fit to print this year.  We'll see you all in 2016.  It's going to be a good year.  We've got another ep from Hides A Well,  a full length and an ep from Please Exist (as well as a long overdue 7") and lots more. Maybe even a new comp or two.  Until then have yourselves a happy and safe holiday.  Be kind and take care.

- J.T.F.

p.s. one of the more recent musical acts that rocked our faces off is a group called Dollys.  We highly recommend them!