We're back from our summer lull/siesta and we got some news and treats for you just in time for the Halloween season.
The fellas in entia have been busy over the summer cranking out an ep that is sure to surface very soon. The ep was recorded by James Theesfeld and mixed by J. Robbins!!! While we await the ep to go live on their bandcamp page you can get a taste of what's in store from their first official video below!
Please Exist have finished up the recordings for their forthcoming 7" record and they sound phenomenal! The record will feature the song Dominic backed with Good Morning Goodbye. Once the final master is in and the artwork finished it will all be whisked away to the pressing plant and just a short time away from getting into your grubby little paws. In addition to recording a new tune for this years NotRock Holiday Comp (more on that below) Please Exist is also prepping to record a whopping new full length in the coming months. Songs are all written and if all goes according to plan the should start the recording process in November.

Speaking of compilations… it's that time again. NotRock is preparing for the release of the annual Holiday Compilation and we need your help!!! We're looking for bands to submit recordings of original or cover tunes that are fitting with the upcoming winter/holiday season. This is a tradition we've been doing the last six years and hope to continue as long as people keep submitting. So please tell your friends and all the bands you know that they have an open invitation to be on the 2014 NotRock Holiday Comp. All songs must be submitted to notrockrecords@gmail.com by November 15th!!! We can't wait to hear what everybody comes up with.
Lastly, on the music front, we'll leave you with this great little gem that we're obviously very late to the party on. If you haven't already experienced the greatness of The Tawny Blooms stop reading this and click the link below. We had the pleasure of seeing these songs preformed live last month and it was quite a refreshing experience. It's just really nice music. Plain and simple. Give it a whirl.
In non-music news the next installment of John's film FALLOUT CHRONICLES has made it to the TERROR FILM FESTIVAL for the third year in a row. This year will see the screening of Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 together in one presentation from Oct 30th - Nov 1st. The festival is being run a little differently this year and will be featured ONLINE ONLY. The good news is you'll be able to catch it on the internet for those three days at any time of day. So be sure to check out the world premiere of Chapter 4 at the end of the month via the Terror Film Festival website. http://terrorfilmfestival.net/screeningroom.html
Ok kiddies, that's all the news fit to print this month. See you back here in thirty!
- J.T.F.
p.s. What's your favorite Halloween/Horror movie?
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