Tuesday, September 13, 2011

NotRock Compilation RELEASED!!!

Hello friends and music enthusiasts!
We're very happy to formally announce the physical release of the Return of the NotRock Sampler Volume: III. The jam packed release show will occur on the 30th of September at the Byram Municipal Courthouse. Bands are still being confirmed but there will be plenty players from the 30 song compilation all performing 4 song mini-sets. In regards to the release itself, the standard edition of the two disc compilation will be completely FREE! The Limited Edition First pressing comes in handsome exclusive packaging, is limited to only 200 copies, and will be on sale for a modest $5. Rumor has it there will be pins and posters available as well. Show details and updates can be found here. For those who do not fancy tangible records and cannot wait until the 30th or if you want a preview of what some of the live performance that evening may be, you can digi download the compilation here for free. This event will be very special because not only is it the celebration of our third sampler compilation (our biggest collaborative effort to date featuring 30 different artists) but also a celebration of independent music in general. We hope to see you at this historic event!

In other NotRock News:

-Prodution continues on NR-29: Please Exist's double album entitled "When Super Hero's Burn Their Capes"

-Production has begun on a new Insouciant full length. Drums are tracked and the rest is on it's way. Expect a lot of exciting details about this 11 song album of fury soon.

-New NotRock Holiday Compilation (the third volume of the now annual tradition) announced! Lots exciting details on that coming soon.

-Lastly check out NotRock's youtube page. There is going to be a lot of great videos soon uploaded from the archives. Such as this vintage Khantra video.

Ok kiddies that's all the news that's fit to print. See you back here soon and I hope to see you at the Comp release show! Until then Godspeed!
- J. T. F.

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